The four elements of complex organizations include; Interdependence, interrelated, Interconnected, and infinite potentials.
Interconnected: Interconnectedness refers to the relationship among all the components of an organization in matters of sharing information on the key issues ranging from business plans, budgets, strategies, opportunities, threats, weaknesses, strengths, competitors to make the business successful. In their interconnected element, complex organizations share knowledge across different structures in terms of innovations, current data, and technological advancements that are transforming the sector. Knowledge sharing is always at the center of any complex organization’s success. Complex organizations are hinged on the wheels of the idea. New and innovative ideas usually keep complex organization in motion as they achieve their goals and objectives.
Interdependent: Just like the parts of a human body depend on each other and what affects one body part affects the entire body, so a complex organization. For example, what affects the production unit directly affects the organization as a whole. Any change of any part of the complex organization changes the entire operations of the complex organization. All the functions in a complex organization depend entirely on each other; that is to say, complex organizations are mutually interdependent.
Interrelated: complex organizations have close relationships among its components that generally share desires, needs, experiences, and genes, just like in human relationships. Complex organizations exchange experiences among departments that are valuable and can bring about a paradigm shift in the organizations’ goals and objectives. Complex organizations are interrelated in their desire to succeed in terms of market shares, satisfying their clients, and at the same time, ensuring employee job fulfillment and growth.
Infinite Potentials: complex organization offers a variety of choices in terms of potentials to the clients and employees. Unlike simple organizations, complex organizations are rich in staff diversity that brings on board a wealth of experiences and cultural diversity that, if appropriately tapped utilized, can present limitless ventures that can only be found in complex organizations. These opportunities are in terms of job growth, personal development, job satisfaction, exchange of ideas and knowledge, capacity building, and synergies characteristic of diversity. Multiple staffs also present a rich history in terms of other services that can be brought on an organization that transcends job requirements.
The four elements of complex organizations include; Interdependence, interrelated, Interconnected, and infinite potentials.
Interconnected: Interconnectedness refers to the relationship among all the components of an organization in matters of sharing information on the key issues ranging from business plans, budgets, strategies, opportunities, threats, weaknesses, strengths, competitors to make the business successful. In their interconnected element, complex organizations share knowledge across different structures in terms of innovations, current data, and technological advancements that are transforming the sector. Knowledge sharing is always at the center of any complex organization’s success. Complex organizations are hinged on the wheels of the idea. New and innovative ideas usually keep complex organization in motion as they achieve their goals and objectives.
Interdependent: Just like the parts of a human body depend on each other and what affects one body part affects the entire body, it is a complex organization. For example, what affects the production unit directly affects the organization as a whole. Any change of any part of the complex organization changes the entire operations of the complex organization. All the functions in a complex organization depend entirely on each other; that is to say, complex organizations are mutually interdependent.
Interrelated: complex organizations have close relationships among its components that generally share desires, needs, experiences, and genes, just like in human relationships. Complex organizations exchange experiences among valuable departments and can bring about a paradigm shift in the organizations’ goals and objectives. Complex organizations are interrelated in their desire to succeed in terms of market shares, satisfying their clients, and at the same time, ensuring employee job fulfillment and growth.
Infinite Potentials: complex organization offers a variety of choices in terms of potentials to the clients and employees. Unlike simple organizations, complex organizations are rich in staff diversity that brings on board a wealth of experiences and cultural diversity that, if appropriately tapped utilized, can present limitless ventures that can only be found in complex organizations. These opportunities are in terms of job growth, personal development, job satisfaction, exchange of ideas and knowledge, capacity building, and synergies that are characteristic of diversity. Multiple staffs also present a rich history in terms of other services that can be brought on an organization that transcends job requirements.
Our esteemed clients, it is my humble honor to serve you at any given time, this meeting is very vital to the growth of our organization, and it is my humble request that I delegate the lead process of this meeting to Mr. John as he is our lead consultant on this project. I have full trust in his business abilities and management skills to close this business and offer your organization the quality services you require. I also commit that I will be joining this team in the next meeting, and all the deliberations of this meeting have my blessings. I have to render my sincere apologies since I already had some ongoing project that needs my attention. Our partnership is in the long term and I am sure that I will be part and parcel of the next engagement.
Tom needed to convince the clients that he was part and parcel of that meeting, and their business was significant to the organization. At the same time, he needed to boost the confidence of term in public by showing complete trust in his management abilities to satisfy the clients’ needs and demands. Besides, Tom needed to nurture the culture of interdependence in an organization by the remaining firm that John will handle the clients’ business. Clampitt’s two propositions shaped Tom’s accomplishment: communication described in terms of probabilities, Tom was communicating to the clients, and John and his tone and tempo were laced with possibilities. The chance that John will work with the clients and the clients will close the business with John. Secondly, on the proposition of context building in a dynamic process, his communication aimed to build a context away from mistrust and biasness between the clients and John and make a consensus towards closing the deal with plans insight.
The three elements of narrative reasoning include Actionable, Fidelity, and Coherence. Fidelity is the cat of being loyal or faithful to someone or a course. Coherence is the ability to be logical, clear, rational, or in other words, it is an ability to remain united in thought and actions. Actionable is a verb. It is an active state of putting the words into action in line with legal requirements.
Fidelity: Tom being busy with other duties. He delegated the work of the potential clients to John because he is faithful to his work, and at the same time, he had faith in John that he could rise to the occasion and deliver on the demands of the new clients. Furthermore, his speech to the new clients to insist that John be one in charge of that project was a clear sign of his team members’ fidelity.
Actionable: Tom’s words are loaded with action points towards the clients and, at the same time, towards John. He proposes John as the lead business staff for the meeting. He assures the clients that he will join the forthcoming conference to bolster the relationship between his export-financing organization and the client’s firm.
Coherence: Tom’s words resonate well with the rules of logic and rationality. He believes that John is the right guy for the business, and he communicates so to the entire team. He did not mince his words from the word when he appointed Joh to run the show for the clients. Even though the clients were not comfortable working with John, Tom remained adamant, and I believe the situation will get clear with time from Tom’s clear communication.
Proportional refers to a situation where something is related to the other either in form or substance, while appropriateness is the state of being suitable or relevant. Tom should accomplish the three main objectives in the follow-up meeting are; Foster a working relationship between John and the Clients, Close business with the client, expand the business portfolio.
As a critical objective, Tom is to present John as the most relevant employee that the clients will work with, and he has the full potential to achieve the desired goals. Closing the business within that meeting is suitable for both Tom and clients so that they can concentrate on growing their business. Finally, there is an excellent need for Tom to partner with the client in increasing the company’s portfolio since the clients’ business is vital for their expansion.
The meeting’s objectives are proportional because they relate to each other in an inseparable form. Tom should present John as a critical component of the organization and the client and, at the same time, show how it is important for John to take the lead role in closing that business for it will be a process of growth in itself for him and the company. At the same time, the business portfolio can only be grown if the client is the will to whole heartily bring John as the lead agent. At the same time, John’s personal in the industry should be boosted by the clients’ ability to give him a chance of development. According to (Clampitt 19), carefully managing employee expectations is at the heart of any successful manager. Tom gives John a chance to close a deal with the client through the client pokes holes in John’s competence, but Tom insists that John is the right candidate for the job. Tom is managing John’s expectations and, at the same time boosting his morale. Atkins (25) argues that communication is one of the laws that drive the universe to success. For effective management, then contact should be at the heart of any team. A team that has low communication strategies finds itself in more problems than necessary.