Mentorship starts at home
Those nostalgic moments I can recall every bit of it; my mother was not someone you could mess around with her and find peace after that. Any indiscipline case called for punishment of similar weight. Were it not for her sternness; I couldn’t be where I am today.
Everyone is born innocent not knowing the direction to take in life. Parents are the one to give guidelines. The Bible tells us to teach a child at a tender age even when of age they won’t forget. They are further advised to tie on the neck and let them lit their way even as they sojourn throughout their lives.
If one is not taught how to go by in life, every wind that comes will compel them to take its direction. There is absolutely nothing to compromise concerning discipline matters. If something is rightfully done, pat the person in question on the shoulder and on the contrary it should be rectified.
Children are gifts from God, and each parent will give an account of how they managed to bring up the generation given. You would rather as a parent fail in all aspects but not family matters. So many things are in a stake to be attended, and it calls for maximum cooperation to bring forth into being to benefit each member in the family.
Where I was brought in may not have been perfect to the later, but at least it equipped me with good morals and natured me to be who I am today. Indeed, I was given what will help me maneuver with challenges that are beforehand, I thank God for my parents, and I can attest that I love and respect them with no reservation.
As a kid, you may not have gotten all the necessities, which are all your parents could provide. Nothing more or less they could give us, they did their best to see that you don’t go without food, clothing, shelter, and education. The shortcomings you encountered should be a challenge, to provide a holistic environment to your future children. Make them know that if you were to be rated, definitely you will emerge the best.
When a child is grown up enough to understand what is required of them, take time to tell mystery about life. Success is in their hands, and they have all it takes to achieve excellence. By doing so we are breathing life to the upcoming generation, but when we fail to do so, a crooked generation will be brought up that will turn out to be rebellious.
I came to realize the power of appreciation; it makes the imperfect perfect. When a child has come with poor grades, congratulate them for having gotten that little. Go ahead and let them know that there is room for improvement; they can better their best. No one would wish to fail in life, so there is no need to condemn someone for failing in any dimension of life.
Parents play a crucial role in nurturing children to master their destinies. If they fail, then the nation will fail as well because of not starting that mentorship at home we are experiencing difficulty in changing people who are stunted in growth. Morality and spirituality go hand in hand with prosperity; all provide a road map to excellence.
When parents come together great things happen to their children, God is going to reward them and bless the work of their hands. The Bible illustrates that the children of the upright will never beg in streets, but instead they are going to be promoted and made the heads for others to learn from them.
Let democracy be exercised
They say no man is an island. I concur with this statement wholeheartedly. You can never be right all the time, everywhere and over everybody. Even the minors can have a say, as a family opinion from everyone should be taken into account and after that weighed for the parties involved to operate on a fairground.
Because you are a teacher by profession, it doesn’t imply that your kid should be a teacher, which is where parents get it wrong. It is like fuel a diesel engine with petrol which in return it won’t work since it was not designed in its manual. That means you are slowly ruining that generation. I have seen many children get frustrated and turn out to be rebellious just because parents cannot give them the freedom to choose what they want in life.
Just because you are the head of the family, it is a vague generality to think that you can dictate what should be done. Other family members should be invited in decision making since they are the ones who will be affected directly with what you do.
If we exercise democracy where everyone is free to air their view and perception, everyone will feel accepted and cherished. It gives one confidence and helps in building self-esteem. We cannot live in a dictatorial tyranny and expect to mentor those around us because they will feel unaccepted and shrug off from the right path of success.
We build bridges to one another’s hearts by allowing that feeling of acceptance to dwell in us. A child is going to school and needs to replenish some stuff, don’t be so harsh the way you make them understand your willingness to provide for them but money is scanty. Since they are part of the family, they can comprehend the situation and accept to survive by what is available.
Don’t let the little ones go to school with self-defeating thoughts feeling that you are mean, not willing to listen to them and there is nothing they can speak concerning the issue. They won’t concentrate in class, and finally, they will bring home poor grades. I never had the privilege to enjoy luxuries like others while in school. I made myself understand that my parents were struggling to pay for school fees, other things I can survive without.
At some point I never had even a single coin in my pocket for a month; life had to move on since I knew what took me to school. We would bid bye while living home with a meager amount that would hardly carry me through the term, but God was faithful to see me through.
We may need to possess what is beyond our ability, enjoy and cherish what you have. My friends were being visited with expensive cars while I could go without anybody coming to check me. From that experience I made a covenant with myself and sealed it when it comes to my children, I am going to visit them with a car of my own so that they can be challenged to bring up a better generation than I did to them.
As children you need to accept that you belong to this class and not the other one, of course, it feels good to wallow in luxurious life, but your family cannot afford it. You don’t have to be bitter and regret why you were born in that family, that is your home, and you have to change the mindset and see what you can do to improve it to be like the one you admire.
For parents keep in touch with your children, let not their hearts grow weary because no one is there to listen to them. Let your decision is not final; give them room to come out and express what they are going through. Stop the common habit of demeaning them, when things get tougher don’t escape from reality. Like telling your kids to leave school if they feel like what you are offering is not to their satisfaction.
The person in question is the shoe wearer, and you may not know how and where they are being pinched. Lay that bridge of acceptance, and you will get to know what exactly they are struggling with. As a parent, you don’t have to disown one of your own at the expense of you thinking you are right, at the end that child will be called by your name. When they are not successful, they will turn back to you to demand what you have, making you stressed up and finally die before your time. If they have made in life, you are going to sit down and enjoy their success.
Maybe we have forgotten that a child is a gift from God, with my understanding what you are gifted is meant to work in your favored serve us right. That child can never turn to be a curse when we nature them right from birth till when they are of age. Allow them to be open; this will be achieved when you train them to respect and not to fear you.
Finally, when democracy is exercised, it gives all people the opportunity to be heard and even provides a chance to grow in all dimensions. I have this you have that, when we put together, we achieve great things in our lives. We all stand to be corrected since other people can see our shortcomings than we do, maybe one has gone through what you are about to experience and has the prior knowledge to help us soldier on.
Every child has a right to be loved
All children have the right to be treated with no impartiality since they all have full ownership to be addressed on fair grounds. Parents should not divide children on undefined measures; you will be answerable to God if one fails to bring up their little ones to be successful people.
We are all gifted with different abilities. Thus we cannot condemn someone for underperforming in a particular field. That child who is not right in class can perform better in a different profession, so don’t press them to provide results which they cannot. I have heard people brag to their kids how they used to score A’s in class, but they cannot give their result slip as proof. That child who appears dwarf academically can be better elsewhere; I have seen those who were being despised for poor performance become great people.
Some people have stayed with bitterness to the extent of disowning their parents; the reason is that what is required out of them is beyond their ability. They were treated in an untold manner and pressed to the corner. Finally, they decided to jump out of that fence and leave on their own. All children should be treated equally, not because this one is good in class you start developing a negative attitude towards the other. Dethrone that spirit you are instilling in them since it will haunt you through and through.
Academic is the hope of everyone. When a student has passed well give them what is due. They have been granted admission to a good school; there you are with your meanness and tight feast. Taking them to a local school to spare some money for that child you love most, treat all of them equally. My father used to survive with his farming, but he used to tell us that the school you choose that is where your marks will take you, it is precisely what happened to my entire family regardless of the distance and school fees, that was the school of your desires.
They say give credit where it is due if someone calls for a particular treatment then grand wishes of the heart if it is possible. It becomes a disappointment when one has achieved excellence make them feel appreciated by giving what it takes to make them go further.
When it comes to shopping, let the student pick what they want and not you, they are the ones who will use those kinds of stuff. Take them to the supermarket, and your role there is to supervise and advice accordingly after that pay at the counter. There is nothing within your powers let them be bosses, give them the receipt and ask them to pay you through hard work. No one will blame you if they fail to perform.
As a youth, I have always aspired to have the best family ever, where everyone is treated equally, and freedom of choice is exercised so long as it is within the set standards. When equality is applied all the children will be for you, but on the contrary, we are going to have father’s and mother’s kids.
Even the constitution states the rights of every child, and I am impressed by the United Kingdom how they treasure children yet an attempt to harass them calls for immediate arrest for the person concerned. They are right in doing that; it will help the minors to evade being mistreated and have the freedom to express their views.
The disciples thought Jesus was being bothered by children; they kept them from getting where He was. Upon seeing that act, He told them to let the little ones come to Him for the kingdom of God belongs to such. The innocence in the children deserves no contempt.
Every one of us should take the role of mentoring and making these young people realize the masterpiece in them. They will be able to establish a firm foundation grounded in their dreams.
Obedience comes with a reward
The scripture reminds children to obey their parents in the lord, honor your father and mother that it may be well with you and that you may live long here on earth. This is the only commandment with a promise, and if you abide by it, ultimately you will receive it.
When we obey, we allow God to fulfill his promises in us. If we do the opposite, those blessings are going to pass by looking for those who are doing the right things. Let us not expect good tidings when we are paving a way to doom and failure.
Remember we have one father in heaven and now our biological parents. If you are in harmony with the earthly ones, then God will be in harmony with us. Don’t frustrate your parents and expect good things to happen for you, our parents are, but guardians here on earth and they will be answerable to our heavenly father. They may not always be right but most of the time what they ask us to do is to our benefit.
Mothers may be too lenient, and at some point, children take advantage, they fail to respect her. Whatever our mothers are saying embrace with warm hands never take for granted. I owe my mother immeasurable gratitude for bringing me up in a conducive environment, and she never missed any clinics; that is why I am healthy. Mother carried you for nine months without complaining, and after giving birth there, you were on her back. You never got burnt since she was cautious not to leave the innocent you next to the fire.
Our parents hold us at the palm of their hands, and they have tied us in their hearts. They want to see us become great people. When they advise on the path we should take, let us abide by it. We may not beware of their prayers that keep us going, how they soak their pillows with tears asking God to see us through. So, let it not deem to us that parents wish to have us lead a miserable life on this planet, they want nothing but the best for their children.
While in school children from well to do families could push their parents to the end. I witnessed the ones who had traveled from Mombasa, did the shopping and handed over five thousand to that guy. I was shocked by the roots that he never appreciated but told them to heart stinging words that there was no need coming all the way to give him what they had offered. I saw the mother’s tears cascaded down her chicks.
On the other hand, I had not been paid a visit, with me I had only three hundred shillings, and I didn’t know when I was to get another one. I was grateful to God for giving me parents who loved me unconditionally, caring and hardworking. That is why they could pay my school fees, food, and clothing. They always had the willingness to come and check me, but because of the distance and financial constraints, they couldn’t make.
When we respect, trust and obey we set blessing into motion, as we grow, we will finally become parents. There is no shortcut; if you were a problem with your parents, then it will be repaid through your kids. Our God does justice to everyone; He is witnessing every single action going on under the sun.
Be a blessing to your parents
Parents always toil; it is not their wish to fail in providing their children and the entire family. All they need is a success for that generation in question; when one has emerged to be successful, it is required of you to be of service to the parents. It is not fair for them to wake up to run up and down trying to make ends meet yet some people are in a position to help them.
In everything that we do we expect profit in return, for instance, a business person who has invested would not be happy if the input becomes more than the output. That is a loss which will make one start thinking of approaching the business from a different angle or close it down; likewise, to our parents, we need to be fruitful unto them. Others have disowned their children merely because they became more of a liability instead of being an asset.
Maybe we don’t know how hard it is to bring someone, from the time of conception to the period where one is mature enough to be on their own. Our parents sacrificed a great deal to see us through up to where we are today. They held our hands and directed us to the paths of success; it is called parental love. When you grow up, don’t despise them.
A story is told of a man whose parents struggled through thick and thin to see him prosper; he went through primary to campus. He finally got a job that earned him a good salary. He had money, but what trouble his mind was the ugly face his mother had, the guy was humiliated to be associated with such a parent.
With that mentality, he hated her with passion. The environment she was living was extremely wanting, clothes were tattered, and they used to survive with meager food and sometimes going without. He was doing that without the knowledge why his mother was like that, and sometimes he was regretting why such a mother could give birth to a person of his caliber.
One day he summoned his friends from the city, it was his birthday, and he wanted to have fun with his allies. Mother was not invited since she could be a black sheep when celebration had just started there she came with her usual look. Upon seeing her he asked the watchman to throw away that old woman away from his compound, she went out crying and questioning God why her child was doing that.
It reached a point when his mother was ailing, and she had been admitted in the hospital, she asked for her son to be summoned since that sickness was not getting any better. She had something to tell him, that is when he came to his senses like she has not been fair unto her. Mother was experiencing hardship while talking, but she managed to narrate the whole story behind her ugly face.
There was a day when she had gone to fetch water from the river and left him sleeping when she came back people were gathered, and the smoke that the house was emitting was clear evidence that it was on fire. They tried to prevent her from reaching to the baby but with determination she finally rescued him. She was burnt beyond recognition, which was the reason why her face was ugly. After completing the story, she succumbed to the illness.
Though he sobbed bitterly, there is nothing that could be done at that particular time. Help your parents if by chance God has treasured them to date, don’t wait once they are no more then you start doing good for them. That is when you will buy a suit and expensive clothing to be buried with yet you did absolutely nothing when they were alive. Parents deserve nothing but the best from us, you would rather go without food but let them eat, reside in rentals but build a good house for them, survive with one cloth but for them, they should always be presentable before people. You don’t have to go to the city, lead a luxurious life while your parents are living from hand to mouth.
Brethren when you become a blessing to your parents, you are sowing a seed of greatness inside you that will soon spring forth and bear fruits of prosperity. They are going to be happy and be proud of you all their days on earth. This will automatically bless you and generations that will preside will be a significant source of blessing unto you.
The lion is referred to as the king of the jungle whereas the eagle remains to be a bird of the wilderness. They both have outstanding qualities that make them compelling. You can never compare these two animals with any other creature since they stand out.
When hunting they have nothing to fear since no other animal can prey on them. They do have their way of living and surviving, you can find the lion sleeping during the day, but most of its hunting is done at night.
Both creatures have very sharp eyesight and can distinguish colors that bring the reason why eagle rarely misses a targeted prey even a tiny mouse. It has been proofed that it has the strongest eyesight five times compared to that of human beings. The eyes are angled thirty degrees away from inner face giving it a higher field of view.
We can also borrow a leave from these creatures, and I bet amongst us we have settled on less than what we were created to be. You got to let go of the shallow thinking and embrace broad mentality. We are capable of doing great things if we champion the eagle in us, fight the cowardice spirit and stop listening to what others are saying about your destiny.
When you venture into something new be sure to encounter the opposition, even though it may seem harsh to stand firm and pursue your goals. Those who are now fighting and trying to outdo the champion in you, once you’ve made in life, they will line themselves with resources to support you to greater heights.
If you give an ear to the negative thinkers, the permission is granted for them to alter who you were created to be. The lion and the eagle do things without consulting anyone; they don’t even care about the reaction from other animals. After all, what matters is what will be achieved at the end of the day.
Self-confidence and discovering your worth are what we should embrace and be eager to be part of the winning team. Once you know that you are a masterpiece, a hero and anointed, you will be waking with shoulders behind, and head lifted high focused on the big picture. Cowards have no place on this planet; nobody has ever gone far with a faint heart.
Once you can evaluate your self-worth, it becomes a driving force towards achieving more significant things. A life that is lived without purpose is as good as not living in it. For a long time, we’ve never tapped our inborn potential, but it is time that we exercise and put it into practice.
Don’t let anything slip off your path; ask for the ancient ways if the track was lost while we were in darkness. Once you know the thread on them, the talent and ability that is sleeping let it not be wasteful. It is ripe that you lift the lampstand and make that dream come to pass.
An eagle gets through hardships
Being born an eagle does not guarantee an easy life; one has to train hard to fit that system. You should learn to endure the awkward moments and to fly up high to seize the rare opportunities.
The mother eagle can quickly identify its sibling who is trying to lazy around, the one that cannot get out of the nest and fly. Such eagle will be taken up and left to come down, but it will be rescued before hitting the ground.
No eagle will overstay in the nest relying on the mother’s food for long; there is no room for that since the mother will get some thorns and position in a manner that it will pierce them. This will destroy the comfort zone thus making them get out and look for ways to be independent.
When it comes to feeding habits, most eagles are carnivores, and it can stay for days without food. It has a particular organ in their stomach called crop that allows them to store food that is surplus until it is needed after that.
As champions whom we’ve chosen to be eagles, we don’t have to expect a bed of roses. Life will give disappointments, frustration, failure, and rejection. We ought to lead eagle like life by soldiering on despite the challenges that are before us.
Destroy the comfort zone that is giving you false hope, and it isn’t worth settling for less yet we are meant for greatness. Great things are in waiting for you to accomplish them and you cannot make them a reality if you don’t break loose the strings holding you back.
They say familiarity breeds contempt; don’t allow those things you have familiarized deny you the privilege to venture into a new level. Everything tends to be normal until we can’t see the need to introduce something new in your life. Let’s us not get along with people and ideas till will cannot find new opportunities that are sleeping within us.
Sleep can be so sweet, you set the alarm to wake up in the morning but what you do is snoozing it alerts you again that it is time to wake up you snooze it is ridiculous anyway, we got to train ourselves to rise from our beds without necessarily having something to warn us that we are getting late. I prefer getting up today to chase a dream to build a bright future; don’t wait for the problems to force you to wake up.
An eagle has right timing, very early in the morning when the chicken is getting out to look for food that is when it is on the look to snatch them. It rarely does its hunting during the day since it is already full. In the morning there are so many opportunities laid before us; many people are still asleep. It means you are advantaged to be amongst the few early risers and more so the mind is still fresh.
You are an eagle and a masterpiece in the making; accept to be molded through the furnace of fire just like gold, and you will come out furnished being a prized possession. Everybody will admire to be associated with you, yet they don’t know how hard it was for you to be there.
Identify opportunities and cease them
In the convent of identifying changes that will bear fruits, it means you should have a big picture and a full field of view. From there it gives you an opportunity to select the best from out of it.
The lion will be found sleeping during the day; it may appear as a lazy creature, but in essence, it is not. It does much of its hunting at night thus getting weary and requires time to have a rest during the day.
At twilight, you will realize that most of the animals are dormant and tired since they have been grazing all day. It becomes easy to knock down prey compared when they are active.
On the other hand, the eagle will fly up high, making it have an aerial view of everything transacting on the will position itself and in a twinkle of an eye and there it gets its food.
We cannot identify opportunities when we are sited watching things behind bars. A lot of sacrifice and effort is required for success to be witnessed; we got to be valor enough to champion that hidden hero in us. It is not easy to identify opportunities, but at least there is something you feel and yearn each day to accomplish. Concurrently we can also follow the legacy that others left; of course, there is something we can learn from them. Don’t ever stay filled but hunger for something.
We ought to be different in our thoughts, actions, and perception for us to achieve different things. There are so many things to be done, but we cannot take the initiative to notice them, our time will elapse before we realize and even make them come to pass. Let us not be blinded by temporary comfort that won’t last for posterity.
If we are going to use strictly what is in place, it will get exhausted. The generation to come will lack foundation and role models making it perverse. Let us not be selfish; someone picked and lifted us to where we are today; it is time to give back this time round in a more significant portion.
Ensure you accomplish your dreams when you are still young, don’t wait when you are aged that is when you start recalling there was this and that you were supposed to do, but it never came to pass. That is going to render you a regretful chap so do it now. Time is ripe to give way that seed that was sown in you to flourish and bear fruits.
See beyond the obvious
Not everything that we see is merely like that; others have hidden meaning and requires discernment to bring out its implication. Amidst us, we have been blindfolded by outwards appearance of people and events that we end up messing up.
Let us borrow a leave from the eagle; it is capable of distinguishing colors despite the distance. Its eyesight penetrates through the forest and the grassland, for example, those that live in the seashore and feed entirely on fish. From far it can locate the fish inside water and snatch it for dinner. It is even surprising that it is capable of seeing the mole inside the soil and make a calculative move; by the time it gets out there it is with its claws to snatch it.
For us to be where we’ve always aspired to be, we ought to have an insight that will enable us to see beyond the horizon. We have failed not because we are weak and lack resources but our thoughts are poor.
With the little talent, we can achieve a great thing in life; we only need to have an abundance of mentality. Don’t minimize the homepage in your conscience but rather maximize it. By doing so, it will store and process the much information and ideas you need for your good.
Some people are going to do anything to bring us down; those are a virus install an antivirus to rid them off. This is the right attitude towards life; don’t give anyone a chance to put off the lampstand that you’ve lit. When you give people a chance to dictate how you are supposed to live, you are giving them a chance to robe and destroy your destiny.
There is a time that will call for you to walk alone, that is when people around you are proofing to be negating your life instead of adding value. The things they do are contrary to your fundamental believes and vision. You don’t have to fear to unleash the mystery of life, go ahead; everything will take care of themselves.
An eagle doesn’t migrate from its habitat; it invests much in it. The study has proofed that its nest is eight fits wide and fifteen fit tall. This will help in supporting the offsprings and itself. In case of a harsh climate, it will be adequately prepared to counter it.
It is necessary for us to get ready for uncertainty; animals will be far much better than us if we fail to prepare. There may be scarce resources, but it should be budgeted for to gather all aspects of life. There are those that require much attention, channel more energy and resources to bring it into reality.
For the case of a student, one should continually review the class work and not waiting till exam time. That is when they start burning midnight oil; it will render you stressed and have a mixture of ideas in your brain. Finally, failure is witnessed not because one is stupid but lack of planning.
The battle is won during practice and preparation, in the advent of the campaign itself it is just a matter of going through what you are already familiar with. This is seeing beyond the obvious, being brave in thinking and action. It will give us a chance to evade the potholes and journey safely to our destination without even having to struggle.
Teamwork brings forth prosperity
It is stated that if you want to go fast go alone, you want to go far embrace team spirit. Indeed, you should have someone who will pick you up when you stumble; everybody who has made in life was through teamwork.
Lion is a slower creature but you can never find it going without food, they always use team and tactics to bring down the prey. They usually identify where the animal in question resides, they will in turn line up, and one is going to take the initiative to ambush the victim towards the direction where others had lined themselves.
Each one has the responsibility in consideration to its ability when one is tired the other one takes the mantle to pursue the prey. They take turns till they get it knocked down and after that come together in unison and tear apart with everyone taking an equal share.
Lioness is the one who goes for hunting, it is believed every mother has a motherly love, and it cannot consume everything without considering the cubs. On the other hand, the lion is the one in charge of the pride providing security against any attack. The mane on its neck is meant to guard it against any harm while fighting with the enemy since it is the most vulnerable point that is being targeted.
In this context, we find out that teamwork and delegation of duties plays a crucial role in every success. Even that which appears to be huge will be small since it has been partitioned into small portions, everybody has been given what to manage and bring the best in that field. No matter how strong and all around you are, there are duties you have to delegate.
We all have different abilities and personalities; we can bring together our varied intellectual capacities and make the best out of it. What you can do best others can’t and what others can do you cannot. We should not let pride swallow our efforts to invite others to contribute towards our success.
Human beings are social creatures; God never meant for us to be lonely and make things happen on our own. That is why we have our brothers and sisters to help us in any aspect of life that we experience difficulty. You may not see the need of being assisted in one way or the other, but circumstances will take you there someday
The pride in you that makes you perceive others to be good for nothing will be brought down painfully if you don’t change. There was once live a person who was exceedingly rich, to him others were liabilities and he was an island. Around the compound, there was kei apple and inside electric fence had been installed. One fateful day robbers came to attack him and took all his possession.
People could not find a way inside to rescue them since everywhere was enclosed. Other family members were left with minor injuries, but the man was half dead. When he was well, all the electric fence was brought down, and he started relating to people as one family.
When we put together our hand’s great things are bound to be realized. We will have a better world to leave, and others will also emulate what we’ve already established. At your level, you are going to develop yourself and make the life of others better with that coexistence.
It is tough to reprimand someone to shunt certain bad habits when you are at the forefront of doing them. It sends a message loud and clear to those you are guiding that it is worth to be done; that is why their mentor is doing them.
When I talk about being a teacher in this context, it doesn’t only apply to teachers in the learning institutions. Parents, mentors, spiritual leaders, and all the role models are teachers, those who are still learning count on you to uplift them since you got experience in that field.
Our society will remain crooked through and through if we don’t take the initiative to mentor the upcoming generation. We were equipped with good morals to extend a hand of generosity to build others. You will realize that when you bless others through your acts of compassion more blessings will be bestowed upon you.
Had those people who came before us failed to take the responsibility of guiding us, today we could not have the confidence to stand before those who count on us to show the paths of old. That is why we have what to tell them since we were thought.
The life that we are living is like four by one hundred meters relay, the person you are going to hand over the mantle counts so much on how you started running. If at any given point the one who began never put enough effort then the whole team may end up being the last. However, the one that is given the mantle has to keep the same pace to be on a lead.
We can still take the initiative to change the situation at hand since everything is subject to change. I recall when we were in primary school, the team that the teachers and colleagues had given up on them. Miraculously they finally outnumbered the rest and emerged the best, the finishing power matters a lot, and it gives the reason why the last kick will always save a dying horse.
History should not dictate the outcome of what you are doing; you can change to suit the present situation. At the end we must be successful anyway, thus we must do everything to break the chain and bring to an end the vicious circle that everyone is used to.
Maybe you got your mentors when it was too late, but you managed to be prosperous. It is due for you to pick someone at a tender age and direct them that they can be better than you did; this is being a real mentor. Let us not exercise vengeance in that because you were unlucky then you tend to be mean towards others.
To be a mentor is a calling; God is going to put people at our disposal to give us a chance to build them to emerge great in their greatness. For that matter you will be forced to quit certain habits and come out of your comfort zone; one has to embrace creativity to meet the needs of the students.
Know, show and go the way
As a leader, you should beware where you are taking those who count on you. There are potholes and corners along the way that have to be negotiated; it should be considered as we journey along the mentorship career.
For instance, if one is lost and inquiring about the direction of a particular route, if you are not familiar with the place you may end up misguiding that person to the point of landing into more trouble.
Knowing the way means you have the experience and skills to mingle around, the knowledge of when to do something, who to do with and how to do it. At some point, we are going to see the indicators that are stating we should stop or else end up failing instead of succeeding.
Students are like children who will always imitate their parents and seniors. They don’t know where to go. Thus you should outline to them where to go in particular. Teenagers are an outstanding and vulnerable group; they should find someone who is always at their service that they may not mess with the freedom and energy they have in plenty.
If we cannot attend to those who genuinely need our help, we may as well be doing nothing. Youth at that age have everything seemingly perfect before their eyes; someone has to distinguish for them what is right and wrong. The scripture illustrates that everything is permissible, but not all are worth to be done. Hence everybody should be on the look to do what is right
By pinpointing their strengths, even the weakness may not be significant, that is creating a positive mentality in this young generation. They get to realize that at least they can do something worth appreciation.
When we concentrate on the good things that have happened in our lives, then the worst may not be visible in our daily endeavors. We cannot grow if our minds are inclined to the shortcomings, it is normal to make mistakes in life, but that should not degrade and lower our self-esteem.
If you have never made mistakes in life then there is nothing you’ve tried yet, venturing into a world of uncertainty has the mystery of its own and equipping ourselves will full armor is indeed necessary. In every fault, there is a lesson to be learned and that will make us grow.
A mentor goes the way and those being mentored will follow the steps. Soldiers are a good example in this case; they always have a commander who will be leading that troop to accomplish a certain mission. As a leader you must, by all means, exercise the leadership qualities, that is the true mark of a champion to lead, and the rest will follow.
You cannot tell people to go where they don’t know and personally to thread on that path is a problem. But being on the lead none will shrug off since you are building an ego that will gear them to follow that route of success. Courage, bravery, and hope will guide or else the mentor will get off the lane.
It is our sole responsibility and mandates to rescue the perishing were it not for others who got out of their way to hold our hands, we were an interest in their hearts and made us know the direction we are required to follow, we couldn’t be where we are grounded firm and robust today.
Give attention to the weak
We are not equal in capabilities, there are those who are strong, and others are weak, the slow learners and fast learners. When we are out to help those we have been entrusted it is good to take into consideration that there are those who require much attention compared to others. It is necessary that we channel more energy to those who are struggling to catch up with others.
While studying in various learning institutions I found that we are different, some internalize the concept at the point of delivery while others require more time to go through the time and again for that concept to be retained in their minds.
Each teacher must identify the slow learners by nature; some will come seeking help while others will shy away. For my case, I was a slow learner, and I could not hesitate to make a follow up if there was a concept that I had not grasped.
Teachers will find it easy dealing with sharp students, but who will help those struggling to pick and comprehend the concept? Remember you were given a task to accomplish and by no means will you evade giving an account what you did unto those who were weak amid the flock.
Like a good shepherd, upon realizing one of the sheep has been left behind, he will go back to look for the lost. That is being truthful to your profession and establishing the masterpiece in others that it may come to pass. We don’t have to slumber until we see the light that is in others.
When we assume e that all is well with everyone, those with less ability tend to shy off and feel despised. In doing so, we may not reach to them at any given point of need. Consequently, no one will be directed to the paths of prosperity.
I can recall how sharp scholars used to behave when a new topic was being introduced, at your level you could think you knew nothing. They could argue within that content yet all of them appear to be Greeks, but in the end, we all comprehended the concept and that is what was required.
It was a chemistry class in the afternoon, and I had taken a heavy lunch that rendered me drowsy. The teacher came and introduced a particular topic on organic chemistry; for sure I was only seeing stars staring at the magic of esters. The teacher noticed and asked me but I dismiss that I was okay later on I made a follow-up and found that the topic was comprehensive.
Giving more time to those who are weak will rekindle their hope and build confidence. It makes them realize that they have a role to play and yearn to get to where others have gone. Soon they are going to rise to the next level, and blessings will be bestowed unto you who uplifted the weak.
Being a mentor is a commission that needs one to possess a sixth sense, to be visionary whereby you can see a hidden opportunity and cease for the benefit of is not going to be in vain, your territories will be expanded and blessings be multiplied that you may not comprehend how things are working in your favor.
Build bridges
We cannot cross over to shore without a bridge; it is going to provide a pathway for us to thread to the yonder land. The contractors usually find a hard time in laying the foundation, but they have to do it since they have been commissioned.
As humans, we can establish links between ourselves, whereby we reach others and especially touch them. But we cannot make if we don’t invite people to play a vital role in impacting us with morals and share the experiences they have gone through.
Student’s life is very tricky; pocket money would hardly be given if you had not developed a good rapport with your parents and other relatives. Imagine you are at home and all aspects are wanting and you cannot attend to them. But when in need you require someone to dig deep in their pocket, yet helping was a big deal making it difficult to earn their sympathy.
When we build bridges even in the trying moments, it will be easy to express ourselves and find help at our disposal. Those you get along with understanding you better since they have been keeping in touch with you.
A story is told about two brothers while taking care of the livestock in the grazing field, by accident one of them injured the calf on the leg and made it limp. Since they were all alone herding, they vowed not to tell anyone but on condition that the one responsible will be exercising all the duties while the one remains to be the boss.
It was tormenting indeed, but he had to do it anyway, within no time his health was deteriorating and it came to the knowledge of the parents that there was something wrong. He was summoned and upon confessing forgiveness was granted and got out of the prison the brother had locked him up.
When we establish bridges things that seem impossible will be possible. The addiction, disappointments, stress and bad breaks are getting out of your way sooner than you could imagine. Believing that you are an island, things are bound to fall apart.
No one was born to go by in life; there is a purpose we ought to achieve. The seed of greatness in us as a high germination percentage, it has not been eaten by squirrels or destroyed by moles. We are only required to water and allow it to take root; it cannot spring forth if we are still prisoners of ourselves.
Mentors on the other should go out of their way and engage students; they will do so by establishing good relation to the point of even cracking jokes together. It makes it easy for someone stumbling to approach you for help, but if you are ever severe, they will also fear you and it will be hard to initiate that conversation and finally open up.
When you are endowed with life experience, you are like a file. Thus you have to sharpen the blunt people so they can cut through storms of life. It will be overwhelming to see the ones you picked and directed excelling in life and be people of substance.
Respect, humility and discipline counts
Success is attached to being discipline and respectful. I have managed and witness in all institutions that I went through, you can never be rude to the teachers and excel in your academics. Likewise, to the role teachers, they should respect those being mentored.
There are those students who are genius by nature, that is knowledge, but for the wisdom, you must give attention to the elderly. It is sickening if you are a graduate but morally decayed with no sound judgment. The education one has will be in vain and makes it difficult for one to cope up with life.
What matters in life is how you coexist with people; how much you care and ability to approach issues with maturity. It is not how much you know or the wealth that you’ve immersed unto yourself, people can’t wait to witness what you are going to give back to society.
People that will come across our paths need to witness and realize the difference in us when compared to those who are still in darkness. We got to extend that charity that has begun at home to the whole nation and reach to the people across the world.
Humility in the journey of success plays a crucial role; it will make you have the willingness to listen to what others have to tell us. They say pride comes before a fall, when you are not humble it hinders you from getting what is at your disposal.
There are things that others have yet we don’t have. If we are going to establish a keen interest, develop discipline and respect views of others we allow ourselves to grow in all aspects of life. We are building our self-worth and master the piece in us on time; it is not necessary to go far since we are endowed with everything that we require for our growth.
If you are not going to swallow the pride in you then vomit it since it should not have a position in our lives, the time is minimal for us to over-dwell building castles in the sky. It is a due season to see everyone around us as part of our destiny; even our enemies play a role in our personal growth. God placed them there to be part of our journey so never hate them, just like Judas they are going to make us fulfill what has been put on us.
Students are urged to respect their teachers and colleagues as well. If we cannot exercise this virtue while we are still learning when you get to the outside world, it will be tough to survive with that attitude of not caring the opinion of others and the set standards of any given institution. Outside there you will be dealing with the judiciary if in any case, you go against what is stipulated in the rule of law.
When you are respectful others will automatically respect you, nature will command them to be useful to you and bring the best out of will further make you teachable and learn new things each day. They say respect is better than sacrifice and for real it is, even if you deny yourself a certain comfort for the benefit of others it will be in vain if there is no respect.
Teachers and mentors are required to be disciplined, humble and respectful to those in their disposal. You cannot demean someone and expect the same person to listen and put into practice what you are teaching. If it is a reproof do it modestly without disclosing the weakness of the person concerned to the public. With such approach they are going to change for good, but upon exposing them, you make the situation even worse.