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Running head: METHODOLOGY 1













This section will deal with the study design, the purpose of the design, methods used in the collection of data and sampling techniques. This section will also take into account the sample size determination, research instruments, the unit of analysis, data management and analysis and logistical and ethical consideration.

Research Design

The study will employ a mixed research method whereby data will be obtained both qualitatively and quantitatively. The purpose of the mixed research method will be to enable us to explore the link that is there between counter-human trafficking and sustainable development goals. Qualitative data will be vital as it will help the research gather in-depth data, the methods that will be used to get qualitative data will include transcribed and recorded semi-structured interviews with participants and groups, and secondary data from previous surveys that include public records, government reports, census data and opinions, key informants will also be used for in-depth interviews. For quantitative data, a survey design will be used to assess the link between counter-human trafficking and the sustainable development goals. The survey will gather demographic information like age, level of education, marital status, and religion from the participants. The unit of analysis of the study will be household heads of the areas the survey will be carried out, the reason behind this is that human trafficking in many instances is a phenomenon at the level of the household; the household head should be over the age of 18 years. The local administrators and community leaders will also be involved in the study since in most cases they are aware of what happens in their areas of jurisdiction or areas where they practice leadership.

Methods of Data Collection

For quantitative data the study will adopt an interview schedule that will be used for the household survey; the interview schedule will aid us in getting data such as age, gender, religious affiliation, education, marital status and socio-economic aspects such as employment and income. For qualitative data, key informant guides will be used in support of quantitative data interpretation. Other methods for collection of qualitative data will include focused group discussion, government reports, census data, and public records. The tools for collecting data will be developed on the basis of the study objectives and the gaps that will be there in the literature review. Secondary data will also be used in, literature review, this will be significant in determining the magnificence of the problem it will also be beneficial as it will tell us what similar studies have found out by different authors. Participants’ observation will also be used in the collection of data.

Location and Site Description

It will be recalled that the concern of the study was to explore the link that is there between counter-human trafficking and the sustainable development goals. Nepal offers a unique environment that is rich in cultural diversity, has a cultural environment that is complex, emerging democracy, has got high-risk factors when it comes to human trafficking and lastly sustainable development.

Nepal is located in Southern Asia and is taken to represent countries that have got high incidences on human-trafficking. The main characteristics of Nepal are high rates of poverty and overcrowding, which exposes its citizens to high prevalence to diseases that are communicable, poor essential services such as electricity water and sanitation, environmental hazards and high unemployment rates. The country’s tourism sector is also doing very well which has made it possible for foreigners to visit the country making it possible to open up the trade of human trafficking. These extreme conditions have made it possible for there to be human-trafficking activities in Nepal.

Sampling Techniques

Purposive sampling will be used to select the areas where human-trafficking is rampant in Nepal. The households for the study will be sampled randomly; a list will be obtained and after that verified by the local authorities that will help in getting the participant’s sample. Systematic sampling will then be used for sampling the households. Selection of the household will be randomly selected from the study area then for every kth house in the study area a home will be chosen, the sampling interval of K will be calculated as (N/n) where the population will be divided by the study sample. Key informants who will include government officials and community leaders will be sampled purposively

Validity and Reliability

The tools for collecting data will be developed through the consultation with the stakeholders; this will ensure that the methods of data collection will be credible. The use of both the quantitative and qualitative instruments will be able to maximize validity. The tools will also be organized in line with the objectives to ensure validity. For reliability, a pilot test will be done before the study to ensure that the tools for collecting data are reliable. The pilot study will also aid in checking as to whether there are any errors in the questionnaires and the time used to finish an interview.

Data analysis and Management

Upon the completion of collecting data from the field, the questionnaires for quantitative data will be coded then keyed in SPSS. The data will later be cross-checked subsequently, and the analysis will be done by the use of SPSS version 21.0, descriptive statistics such as percentages, mean, and frequencies will be used. For inferential statistics, Chi-square will be used in the determination of association between dependent and independent variables. Qualitative data, on the other hand, will be continuously coded, classified and analysis will be done according to the objectives of the study. The primary approach to analyze this data will be content analysis. The content analysis will ensure theme generation and find out the relationships that that exists between variables. Data will after that be presented in tables, charts, and graphs.

Ethical Consideration

Authority will be sought to research the responsible body for the issuing of the research permit. Authority from the local administration will also be requested to investigate in the area. Information confidentiality from the participants will be highly maintained, and this will be done by ensuring that there is anonymity. In this case, there will be the use of numbers and not names in the questionnaires. Privacy will be taken into consideration, and this will be done by making sure that the interviews are done in a place where there is seclusion. Participation for the interview will be voluntary. Informed consent will be sought before the start of an interview from those participants who are 18 years and above, for the participants who are below 18 years parents/guardians will be required to fil an assent form.

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