Running head: NEGOTIATION 1
Black lives matter
Student’s name
Institute of Affiliation
On the other hand, the international affairs type of negotiations that was done between the Black lives matter and the United States through the help of the courts has brought a great change in their disagreement. Despite the police department trying to stop the negotiations for their benefit, the court brought the negotiations to a neutral level so that both the Black lives matter organization and the Chicago Police Department would benefit (Hinkel, 2018). At first, the negotiations had some problems that were brought up by the Chicago police department. The Chicago police department believed that they have a right to arrest African America and the Latino forcefully. However, what the police are doing to the African American is against the law, but no one in authority is able or willing to take the matter to justice. As a result, the two parties have a long way to go in order to agree and settle things that both of them will benefit (Brutger & Rathbun, 2017). For the parties to work better toward finding a solution for mutual gain they both need to accept that they have done wrong. According to the report given by the media shows that the police department had the issue of not accepting that their police had committed crimes such as engaging in brutality and misconduct. On the other hand, the leaders of authority that are in charge of the Chicago police department had refused to give justice to the people that were affected by not arresting the culprits responsible. The two parties have to negotiate to have in mind that they are developing a relationship that will help both of them especially keeping peace in the communities. The police department of Chicago should agree that they have a problem and take action in making sure that all the people that were affected by the police brutality and misconduct are given justice. Also, the Black lives matter should make sure that they are ready to make sure that their communities are crime free by taking their children to schools and teaching them to have good manners and respect towards the authorities. Generally, both parties are supposed to be polite, considerate and honest to each to each other so that they can create a long lasting relationship that will be favorable to them. Additionally, two parties can make sure that they are emotionally stable so that they can avoid being provoked into an emotional response. If things are not going well, the two parties are allowed to bring in a third party that will help with the negotiations. Basically, the situation between the Chicago police and the Black lives matter organization have had blames whereby each party believed that they were better than the other. The blames made by both parties to each other almost developed a grudge from the African American community towards the Chicago police department. However, the courts came in as the third party in the negotiations and brought peace and agreement between both parties.
Correspondingly, there are ways that I am recommending on how each of the sides could collaborate better to arrive at a win-win situation. Firstly, both parties should separate the problem and the people involved. Both parties should make sure that they have focused on the issue at hand and try to ignore personality differences. To do this, they need to make sure that they are aware of the following factors such as communication, perception, and emotion (Druckman & Wagner, 2017). On the perception side, both parties are supposed to put themselves in each other’s situation so that they can be in a common ground and a compromised solution. Secondly, the two parties should focus on interests and not on the positions. It is hard for two parties to negotiate if they are judging each other according to the beliefs, values, responsibilities, status and cultural background. When the two parties stop blaming each other everyone’s interest will be considered thus making them receptive to different points of view. Finally, the two parties can use objective criteria to make everyone interested and feel considered as part of the solution making. The parties need to put forward some facts that will help them now the needs, opinions, goals, and interests that will help them support each other’s positions.
Conclusively, for people to have a successful negotiation they need to make sure that honesty and integrity are put first. Both parties will always lose in their negotiations every time they are dishonest. As a result, dishonesty will cost both parties energy, time and resources thus creating enmity and hatred. Despite the police department of Chicago trying to stop the negotiations for their benefit, the court brought the negotiations to a neutral level so that both parties can benefit. If the negotiations are becoming a problem, a third party is called in order to bring both and solutions together and form an agreement. As a negotiator, people should make sure that they have prepared well.
Brutger, R., & Rathbun, B. (2017). Style over Substance: How Negotiation Process Affects Support for International Agreements in the Mass Public.
Druckman, D., & Wagner, L. (2017). Justice and fairness in negotiation. Group Decision and Negotiation, 26(1), 9-17.
Hinkel, (2018). Chicago’s deal with ACLU, Black Lives Matter changes political calculus for police reform. Chicago Tribute.