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Bridge Collapse As A Result of Structural Failure
Structure failure is a result of overstressing a structure to the point that it cannot withhold the stress hence resulting in excessive deformation. This excessive deformation results in a calamity which may lead to loss of lives, injuries, economic downfalls, and even social crisis. This paper analyzes the structural failure of a bridge collapse leading to a catastrophe.
Bridge collapse has become a major disaster in the globe. According to the article ‘bridge, collapse around the world’ by Jamilur, and Ariful investigations have shown that bridge may collapse due to natural factors or human factors. Natural factors may include floods, storms, earthquakes or even landslides. On the other hand, human factors may consist of improper construction and design methods, overloading, lack of maintenance and corrosion among others. Disaster from natural calamities can be minimized although only to some level. A stable build bridge may resist natural factors to some point compared to the weak build bridges. Human factors may result due to ignorance of the stakeholders responsible in the pre and post building of the bridge. Generally, the engineers are the key to this entire crisis. It is true that no man is perfect, but to some level, ignorance may be the key to all these disasters.
Engineers have used designs and material which are not to the required standard in the construction of the bridges. Giving an example of the India Bridge in the outskirts of the city of Kota on river Chambai which collapsed on December 2009 where 48 were killed in the scene, after investigation, non- compliance of the construction was the major cause of the collapse (The Times of India). It was noted that the engineers did not follow the construction sequence as it was designed by the designer. Below is the real image of the scene.
The report from one of the top ministry official about the incident said that the construction sequence of the 1.5km was not followed despite another factor that may have caused the accident (The Times of India). Also, the material used is another major cause collapse of bridges. The engineers may use steel which is not strong enough to hold the capacity of the building. This may be due to greed to earn extra money from the contract by buying cheap materials. Ineffective design whereby the designers underestimate the required size of steel to be used in the construction of the bridge is another challenge that needs to be addressed. Also, other materials used in the construction need to be considered in a standard level of the construction.
‘An Integrated Approach of Disaster Management’ a case study of Mehra gave the solution of the incident was to blacklist the company responsible since evaluation showed the incompetence of the company was the cause of the collapse. This action helps to solve other future incidences that may occur since the engineers are aware that they will be accountable for such occurrences.
In conclusion, bridge collapse may be as a result of either natural or human factor, whereby human factors can be easily eradicated while natural factors damage can be minimized. Therefore engineers need to ensure quality in what they build.
Works cited
Jamilur, C. and Ariful, H. (2015). bridge collapse around the world: Causes and mechanisms.
Mehra, Shweta. “An Integrated Approach of Disaster Management (A Case Study of Kota District).”
Schmitt, Günter. “Global needs for knowledge dissemination, research, and development in materials deterioration and corrosion control.” World Corrosion Organization 38 (2009).
The Times of India (2010). [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Oct. 2010]. Accessed 6 October 2010.