An organizational evaluation is a systematic process that is useful for obtaining crucial information about the organization’s performance and the factors that influence its performance. Therefore, to develop evaluations that ensure that my organization’s mission, vision, and purpose statements are implemented, I will treat the company as a unit of analysis. Organizations are continually trying to survive, adapt, influence, and perform. However, an organization cannot always be successful. Thus, I will involve in evaluating to improve better its ability to function effectively. This will help the management obtain critical information about the organization’s performance and identify crucial factors that Impede or aid the achievement of results.
I will use the “Institutional and Organizational Evaluation Model” to evaluate my organization. This model perceives the organization’s performance as a multidimensional concept – the relevance, effectiveness, and financial liabilities of an organization. The model also postulates that an organization’s performance should be thoroughly examined concerning its capacity, motivation, and external environment.
The critical decision that I will need to make when undertaking the evaluation is whether to commission an external assessment, self-asses the organization’s performance, or use both strategies. However, I will use the self-assessment approach because it encourages ownership of the evaluation and increases the acceptance of feedback and dedication to the evaluations’ recommendations. I will conduct a practical assessment focusing on those fundamental issues that have a far-reaching impact on organization performance. The practical considerations which will guide the prioritization or selection of critical questions for my evaluations are:
- The time and resources required to answer the questions
- The aim of conducting the evaluation
- And the importance of balancing the interests of various stakeholders.