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Integrated Marketing Communications and Nostalgic Advertisements
How marketing and communication take place, between the consumers and the manufacturers has changed a great deal over time (Smith and William 26). The change is because of the increase in innovations, as well as revolutions in technology. If we look at the internet as well as the mobile phones, we realize that the control of information has just shifted from the hands of the manufacturers and it is now in the hands of the consumers. On the other, hand due to the globalization of the marketing strategies, it has led to the change of the environment, confidence in the mass media advertisement has also decreased, there has been increased reliance in the targeted communication methods.
Since the market environment has changed, there is a need for the development of efficient as well as cost-effective marketing strategies, and because of this, marketers have changed the manner at which they conduct their marketing activities, and they have ended up adopting approaches that are more integrated. The result of these is the adoption of a more holistic customer-based approach, in carrying out the marketing and communication activities, known as unified marketing communications.
The advert picture has the name of the product, which is coca cola, in the picture, there is a hand of a man, which is holding a coca cola drink ready to give it to somebody. What is more amusing in the advert picture is that it has the message, that is conveying to the consumers, and the news is, “here is coke” the advert also contains a real message which is “the pause that refreshes.”
Nostalgia in the field of marketing is an equivalent of comfort food. Nostalgia most of the time takes us back to places that are more simpler and the problems we have don’t matter, in this place the bustle, as well as the hustle of modernity, vanishes away. It does this often when marketing focuses on the future (Morris and Bethan 76). Nostalgia, most of the time, makes us focus on the things that we already know that they are great, instead of anticipating on great things that we don’t know and we have not even seen. On the other hand, we realize that nostalgia gives our lives the meaning and the meaning of continuing to live.
On the other hand, you will realize that it can make us looser with our wallets. Findings from the research conducted on the subject found out that, most of the people were willing and ready to spend more money consumer goods as well services, because of the nostalgic feelings. Experts on the field have also said that consumers purchase most of the products or most consumers like some of the products and services out of the nostalgic feelings that they have on the services and goods. Therefore, you will realize that some of the products, as well as functional, depends on the nostalgic feelings of the consumers. This means that manufacturers, adverts and the marketing strategies put in place may not determine how the products and the services will do in the market, as they will be dependent of the nostalgic feelings of the consumers on the facilities and the goods in question. This, therefore, shows that the current use of emotional appeals in the marketing field will take marketing into a different level.
Morris, Bethan. “Digital marketing and young consumers: A framework for effective digital marketing communications.” (2019).
Smith, William A. “Social marketing: Beyond the nostalgia.” Social Marketing. Psychology Press, 2018. 21-28.