Alomar Bail Bonds -Glendale, CA
Alomar Bail Bonds is among the top rated agencies providing outstanding bail bond services to clients in Glendale area as well as California at large. The firm’s agents are highly reputable with over 40 years of experience in helping clients make the right decisions when it comes to posting bails. When you’re arrested for various reasons, you require bail bond agents with exceptional skills in bail and bonds services to help you with the process of posting bail for you to get out of jail quickly.
When Can Police Decide to Arrest and Seizure?
When a crime has been committed, what happens first is that the police investigate the offense to know the possible suspect. Once they suspect any person beyond reasonable doubts, they first obtain a warrant of arrest and what follows is apprehending the alleged criminal.
Once they have the criminal in their custody, the police commence a seizure or a search of the suspected criminal’s property to find any relevant evidence they can use against the person. They ensure that they confiscate any property or document that can act as proof that the person they detained is indeed a criminal.
Getting Booked in Jail
Once the suspected criminal is under arrest, he/she is taken to the police custody for booking. This is the same as being processed into custody. There’re various things that the police officers do during the booking process. These things include;
Recording the suspect’s personal information like name, age, gender, and other background information.
Note down any available information regarding the matter at hand
Taking the suspect’s picture as well as fingerprints
Checking whether the suspect has any criminal background
Search the suspect and seize any personal items like phone and money
Hold the suspect in their cells
When the suspected criminal is detained, he/she has to get in touch with a bail bond agency to help in posting bail to be released quickly.
What is Bail Bond?
A bail bond is a financial surety provided by the licensed bail bond agents to help release a jailed person. It’s like an agreement between the agency providing bail bonds services and the court. The jail can only release the criminal defendant if they’re sure that he/she will appear in court when required to, and that’s why this financial guarantee is essential. Therefore, for the criminal suspect to secure his/her release, it’s mandatory to go through the bail bond procedure.
The Bail Bond Process
Once the bail or the amount of money that the suspected criminal should pay to secure release is determined, the defendant has to go through the bail bond process.
The first step is to hire a bonds agent to help in the bail process. The bail bond agent around the Glendale area in California can help by acting as a guarantee that the defendant will appear in court when called upon. During the first appearance in court, that’s when the judge will set the bail depending on the damages caused during the alleged crime.
Once the amount to pay has been decided, the next step is for the bail bond agency to post the bail. The posting is done during the business hours between the bondsman and the court clerk. The defendant will then be required to keep the receipt as evidence that he/she posted the bail.
The defendant is then released and notified of the next hearing date. Failure to appear in court the hearing day, the court can issue the warrant of arrest and keep the bond amount.
Types of Bail Bonds
Criminal Bail Bond
This is the type of bond that the bail bonds agency presents to court in criminal cases. The agreement guarantees that the criminal defendant will always be appearing in court when called upon for hearing. This bond also acts as a surety that the defendant will pay any penalty or fine as decided by the court if found guilty.
Civil Bail Bond
This is the type of bond that bail bonds agencies provide in court in case of civil cases. The bond act as a financial surety that the defendant all the debt as well as any interest or additional cost if found guilty by the court.
There are several jails and prisons near Glendale, CA, where suspected criminals can be retained. They include;
West Hollywood Jail
Santa Monica Jail
Los Angeles Police Department –Van Nuys Jail
Glendale City Jail, among others.
If one is retained for instance at Glendale City Jail which is located at 131 N Isabel St, Glendale, CA 91206, he/she can be released on bond if the judge feels that there is need to award the bail. What the detainee has to do is to hire the bail bond near the Glendale area to help in the bail process.
Find a Glendale Bail Bond Agent Near Me
To secure your release quickly, you’ll need the expertise of bail bond agents in Glendale, CA. The Alomar Bail Bond agents are highly reputable in matters of bail bond posting and can ensure that you go through the bail process quickly and smoothly. Call us through 626-449-4118 to get in touch with one of our expert in bond matters. You need us to be released immediately, so call us now!