Personal SWOT
Many years of experience in healthcare environment, discipline, practicing self-confidence and good positive professional behavior I can evaluate as one of my strengths.
It took me few years to get confident and my desire and hunger for new challenges brought me opportunities to learn more practical skills at hospitals. For example I was fully trained at the hospital to change trachea on ventilated patients on adults and children. Most of Healthcare assistants simply don’t have enough confidence to change tracheostomy as is very complex act which requires patience, leadership and professionalism.
I am proud of myself to be organized in time planning, self-motivated and good professional companion for those who we care about.
Weakness is human natural feeling and its process where we are afraid or scared of factors or circumstances where we are not confident, we are worried or simply don’t know how to react.
“Sometimes the biggest strength can be found in how you understand and comfort your greatest weakness”, (Michael Springel.,2014).
Weakness have both site character self-aware protective and miss-educated.
English language is not my first language, affecting study time to more concentered and to “think in English”. Worries to speak and write as other students affect my self-esteem and self-encourage.
The way of speaking and writing is insufficient therefore, I decided to hire private native English teacher. Two time in the week we actively practicing speaking and writing. Learning modern methods and how to “think in English”, is very successful and it makes me feel better and more confident.
Meet up is a website app where people meet each other from different kind of reasons and fields. Very helpful for me was to meet a native British professionals and practicing my English language. I would often ultilize subtitles mode on TV while I’m watching movies.
There are many opportunities on how to practice English language and is just all about time, limits or our possibilities. Self-motivation is another example.
What suits as a best option is to plan and meet more regularly British people and read books about academic writing. Watching plenty of videos on YouTube is another step I would like to subscribe and follow regularly.
Weakness should be taken as opportunities as is important to have weakness because true positive weakness allows us to grow to be better and professional.
Where is an effort to achieve something, there will be always some certain level of worry and threats of lack of success.
My main threats is the lack of time to study and to be confident enough in English language .I believe, that I’m not the only one whom English language is not first language to and believe in my effort will turn my threats to an opportunity.
Listening to good music and to be open minded helps me to stay positive and to be honest to myself.
Reference 5.9.2020)