Can My Haymarket VA Septic Tank Freeze?
Everyone, especially novices in septic systems, will the question “Can My Haymarket VA Septic Tank Freeze?” in mind. It is a vital question since it helps you have lengthy knowhow on the septic freezing issue. Your septic tanks can freeze up. Other areas on the septic system where freeze-ups might occur are pipes to the tank, lines to the drain-field, and the drain-field.
Falling temperatures and lack of snow cover are the leading causes of septic systems freezing.
Here are other causes,
- Poor Pipe Drainage
A usual cause of freeze-ups is sewerage lines and pipes that are not correctly installed. The pipes and pump lines should have the correct elevation to enable the sewage contents’ flow to the intended direction. Sewerage contents collect at any low or dip spot on any pipe leading to freezing.
The collection might also be caused by leaky water fixtures such as toilets and faucets. It happens by generating a low flow of water that freezes up straightforwardly. Total pipe blockage can occur if caution is not taken early.
- Inconsistent use of the septic tanks
When you suddenly stop using a regularly used septic tank for a while, it lacks more sewage for warmness maintenance. Also, this might occur if lesser than average sewage contents are being generated. This contributes to freezing of the contents.
- Absence of cover crop
Lack of cover crops over your septic systems considerably causes freeze-ups. It is because the vegetative cover holds the snow in place hence prevent septic tank freezing. The covering also insulates the septic system during winter.
Now that your query, “Can My Haymarket VA Septic Tank Freeze?” is answered, let’s see protection measure.
How to protect your System from Freeze-ups
- Fix septic pipes correctly.
Make sure all septic pipes are installed correctly to prevent the low flow of water. Also, keep an eye on your lines and fix any leaking pipe.
- Consistent use of Septic Tanks
Make sure your septic tank is used consistently. In case you are faced with unavoidable circumstances, call a certified sewerage operator to pump out septic tank contents before you use it again.
- Establish a Cover Over Septic System Area
Suppose your septic tank is newly installed, position 8 to 12 inches a layer of mulch over the system. The materials used should be loose. They include leaves, hay, and straw. However, don’t do this on an already frozen up septic tank. If your septic system is not new, allow the grass covering to grow longer during summer end.
Above all, have your septic tanks inspected annually for maximum prevention of freeze-ups.
Follow the above guidelines to avoid the freezing of your septic tank. This is in adherence to the rules of the Health department on Virginia. Failure to do so could result in fines. Finally, you are sure of your question, “Can My Haymarket VA Septic Tank Freeze?”