Assignment 9
Conservation and Guardianship
Your Question: What do you think Leopold would say about “Cap and Trade”? Would he agree with its goals and methods? Why or why not?
According to Leopold Aldo, the disposal of property was then, as now, a matter of expediency, not of right and wrong and an ethic, ecologically, is a limitation on freedom of action in the struggle for existence” (Leopoldo 1). Therefore, with these stands of Leopold, I think he would say “Cap and Trade” is a good idea ecologically and ethically. The “cap and trade” concept is a system aimed in reducing air pollution by auctioning a specified amount of greenhouses gas emission for a certain amount of money to the emitting companies” (Keohane 1-2). Leopoldo would, therefore agree with the goals and methods of “cap and trade” concept. The gas emission is treated as a property that can be traded, and according to Leopold, when properties are involved, there is no right or wrong, it is just a matter of practicality. According to Leopoldo, the “cap and trade” is also ethical since it limits freedom of action in the struggle of existence. If there were no limit on the number of greenhouse gases companies are allowed to emit, then air pollution would be even worse. In addition, making the cap tradeable gives companies an incentive on their money such that they have to reduce their emission for the rates they pay to remain low. Leopoldo would therefore agree with “cap and trade” since the gas emissions are treated as property and ethically is right.