ICT tools
However, the findings of this study are different from the previous done since this study assessed the relationship between gender and educational level. In contrast, Namasiko and Abollo(2013) did not look at gender issues in Trans-Nzoia county. The main aim was to examine the role of gender in the implementation of ICT in the dairy farming sector. Interestingly, the survey found that there was no association between gender and educational level attainment of dairy farmers. The present study found that the proportion of males that agreed that attending formal education increased their knowledge of using ICT devices was not significantly different from the females who agreed on the same matter.
Additionally, the researcher also sought to establish the relationship between the level of education of dairy farmers and their attitudes and perceptions toward using ICT tools. The researcher analyzed the responses of whether dairy farmers found it easy to use ICT tools to get dairy information such as livestock diseases. The results showed that there was an association between the highest level of educational attainment and the ease of use of using ICT tools. For instance, dairy farmers who attained university degree disagreed that they found it easy using ICT tools on the same proportion as those who strongly agreed they found it easy using ICT when searching dairy farming information. The results indicated that dairy farmers who have attended school acquired the knowledge and skills of using ICT tools, and that influenced their attitude and perception, thus reducing the complexity of implementing ICT tools.
A statistically significant Pearson correlation test was seen between training and ICT implementation. Furthermore, regression analysis conducted demonstrated that for every unit increase in training, the implementation of ICT goes up by +0.331 units. It also proved that the diffusion theory of innovation attributes were good predictors on the implementation of ICT in the dairy sector. The study also established that the successful implementation of ICT in the dairy sector is, to a large extent, determined by the education level, attitudes, and perception of farmers. However, the findings are contrary to a study done by Al-Jabri (2012), that found that trialability and complexity had no significant influence on the adoption of mobile technology in the banking sector.