Oral Presentation and Organization Change
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What problems college experienced when it comes to an oral presentation. Can you offer any tips for effective oral presentations?
Problems experienced in an oral presentation include lack of preparation. Often lack of preparation could result in a bad presentation. Preparation involves the gathering of information and giving attention to achieve personal and professional aspects of the presentation. Another problem is the use of poor visuals in the presentation, such as ineffective and inappropriate PowerPoint use during the presentation (Murugaiah 2016). Another problem experienced during an oral presentation is the use of inappropriate humor, as some jokes could be considered to offend someone in the audience. Another problem experienced in the oral presentation is the inappropriate dressing that would lead to the audience not following up. Using a monotone voice while addressing the presentation could lead to losing the audience during the presentation.
Tips for an effective oral presentation includes speaking with confidence while addressing the audience in the oral presentation, and this portrays that you are conversant with the topic of discussion (Murugaiah 2016). Adequately preparing the presentation by effectively gathering information crucial in the oral presentation. Good and effective use of visuals in Powerpoint presentation could result in the audience following up the slides in the presentation. In order to capture the audience, an effective opening statement and good closing remarks should be used to capture the audience to make them concentrate (Murugaiah 2016). The use of different voice tones should be integrated when emphasizing on key aspect areas to create a memorable presentation.
Organization change
The need for change is crucial in the implementation of successful organizational change. Change is good, and one of the ways of getting employees to buy-in is through laying out the vision, by clearly stating out what is changing and why is it important (Groves 2020). Another step is through personalizing tasks by assigning the employees to use their strengths while undertaking tasks. Through follow up by ensuring that employees are well tasked in implementing the laid out mission of the organization. Employees can be motivated by setting clear expectations and goals by involving them in the change by giving them and assigning them roles. Employees can also be motivated by establishing short term goals for effective organizational change. In conclusion, employees can be motivated by celebrating the success of the desired change.
Groves, K. S. (2020). Testing a moderated mediation model of transformational leadership, values, and organization change. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 27(1), 35-48.
Murugaiah, P. (2016). Pecha Kucha style PowerPoint presentation: An innovative CALL approach to developing oral presentation skills of tertiary students. Teaching English with Technology, 16(1), 88-104.